Prognostic value of digital image analysis of brain glial tumour microenvironment and immune response, No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-22-0058
Project implementation period: from 2020.11.03. to 2021.04.30
Fellowship supervisor: Prof. dr. Arvydas Laurinavičius
Student: Raimondas Juškys
Funding: funded by European Social Fund (2014-2020) under the measure No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 „Educating the society and strengthening the potential of human resources” activity „Development of Competences of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities“
The aim – to evaluate the microenvironment and immune response of brain glial tumour pathology samples and their prognostic value for the patient. The pathological material of glial tumors will be examined using innovative immunohistochemical and histological digital image analysis methods. The obtained quantitative indicators of the immune response, tumor microenvironment and fiber distribution will be used to develop prognostic model ofthi disease.